Euro Exim Bank

Navigating African Trade Finance

We are privileged to interview Dr.Graham Bright JP, Head of Compliance and Operation Euro Exim Bank, a financial institution with global ambitions in trade finance. Euro Exim Bank has set its sights on the African market, a region rich in potential but also marked by unique challenges. We will delve into the inspiration behind Euro Exim Bank’s African expansion, its strategies to adapt to the diverse African market dynamics, and its approach to mitigating risks in African Trade Finance.

The African financial landscape is competitive, and Euro Exim Bank aims to differentiate itself by offering innovative financial products and services that prioritize working capital, facilitate bond raising for smaller companies, and leverage advanced payment guarantees. Mr. Bright will also share insights into Euro Exim Bank’s vision for empowering small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Africa, a vital driver of economic growth on the continent.

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Nibnu Futur ta’ Fiduċja u Eċċellenza: Viżjoni għal BNF Bank

“Peress li ninsabu fi ħdan pajsaġġ finanzjarju li qed jevolvi b’rata mgħaġġla, ninsab eċċitati u determinat li nmexxi lill-Bank tagħna f’futur li jkompli jibni r-reputazzjoni tagħna, japprofondixxi l-fiduċja stabbilita fost il-partijiet interessati, u jmexxina lejn għoli bla paragun ta’ eċċellenza fis-servizz,” ikkummenta s-Sur David. Power Chief Executive Officer fil-BNF Bank.

Il-vjaġġ tal-BNF Bank s’issa kien ikkaratterizzat minn reżiljenza, innovazzjoni, u impenn lejn il-klijenti tiegħu, u huwa fuq din il-pedament li t-tim tal-BNF huwa impenjat li jibni l-kapitolu li jmiss tal-istorja ta’ suċċess tal-Bank.

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Five Green Flags You Need to See in Your Ideal IT Partner

Five questions you need to ask to ensure you have the right IT partner to lead you through your digital transformation

With digital transformation, the only certainty in the years to come is uncertainty. We have seen that resilient and agile companies are more likely to survive the challenges facing businesses as technology evolves. And with continued uncertainty in the workplace, agile, scalable IT to meet your specific needs, is vital to business operations, proving managed IT services are more than just outsourced technology.

Rachel Thorne, Director of Operational Excellence at Espria, gives five key questions every business should ask to ensure they have the right IT partner for their needs.

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Malta – A Lucrative Ecosystem For Startups

Malta has recently launched a residency programme for highly innovative startup and scale up ventures. Non-EU founders who would like to use Malta as their launch pad for their new business, from its strategic location in Europe, now have a viable relocation opportunity, designed specifically for this purpose. CEO Insight spoke to Charles Mizzi, Chief Executive Officer of Residency Malta, the government agency which administers the Programme, to find out about what opportunities await entrepreneurs willing to move.  

CEO Insight:  What is the purpose behind launching the Malta Startup Residence Programme? What will it serve to add to Malta’s existing programme portfolio?

Charles Mizzi: This new Programme is intended to attract more highly innovative startup businesses to our shores, thereby adding to the country’s existing startup ecosystem while attracting skills and talent and boosting our local economy.  This 3+5-year residency programme is specifically designed for non-EU entrepreneurs with highly innovative startups with the aim is to facilitate the immigration process so that founders can fully focus on growing their business, rather than having the strain to renew their residency permits annually. We understand that the first three years are crucial for startups, and this programme helps founders to focus entirely on their operations from a comfortable location. As with all the programmes Residency Malta offers, we are after quality applicants who have viable business projects with disruptive products or services

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European Payments Initiative Size-Down:

Initially backed by 31 major Eurozone banks, the EPI has abandoned its agenda of creating a pan-European payments scheme, rivaling global payments processors. Having 20 banks opt out, the remaining institutions are expected to shift focus to creating a digital wallet.

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Entering The Metaverse

With several positive organizational changes within global retailer Skechers, Maxim Manturov, Head of Investment Advice at Freedom Finance Europe, covers why Skechers growth potential increase makes it an optimal choice for investors. 

Skechers (SKH) is an American manufacturer of affordable, and comfortable footwear. The company’s products are sold in 180 countries around the world and as of 2021, had 4,306 Skechers stores worldwide. In fact, the international market is Skechers highest growth category and represents over half of their total business.

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Automation is Transforming Agriculture

Traditionally, farming evokes images of hard labour and toiling in the sun. While that has not entirely changed, the people (or should we say “things”) doing the toiling and hard labour, are changing rapidly. We are fast moving to an age of automated farming, and not the type of automation you may imagine with big dirty machines and extremely costly infrastructure. Instead, by harnessing the power of AI, big data and existing and emerging technologies, the tech revolution is now coming to farms and its win-win for all.

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Bank Guarantees Vs. Credit Insurance – What’s the Difference?

Various mechanisms exist to help protect both exporters and importers from the risk of default, both in terms of payment and the supply of goods or services. Bank guarantees and credit insurance are two such commonly used mechanisms, particularly when letters of credit (LCs) are not used. While both provide similar protections, there are some important differences between the two.

Bank Guarantees
As the name implies, a bank guarantee is a formal arrangement where a bank guarantees a particular payment; in the case of international trade, an exporter’s accounts receivable or an importer’s advances paid in lieu of goods receivable.

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