Massively reduce data roaming costs with roamline
It’s the season to be… nervous?
Last year your top sales employee was lying belly-up on the sandy beaches of Southern Thailand enjoying his holiday bonus. With thoughts of foggy London town dissipating with each sip of Mai Tai, he rolled onto his side and directly onto his iPad. Unbeknown to him, his Google Maps location services activated and his data services kicked into high gear.
Wisening up the next morning, he scrambled to switch his iPad back into aeroplane mode – but not before making a harrowing call to his service provider… and learning that his relaxation had cost him a WHOPPING £150 overnight. Sadly this happens everyday and if you are paying the companies mobile bills you know it.
Traveling ain’t what it used to be!
A quick Google search yields horror stories of holidays gone wrong with a €6,993.03 bill for data roaming in South Africa or a €5,556.74 bill for 5-days of data roaming in Barcelona. But also companies have seen this dramatic increase of costs due to high data roaming rates. But now there is an answer to cut costs massively. Enter roamline. The champion of the business traveller. The go-to solution for securing cheaper mobile data abroad.
What’s roamline
You can kiss crazy data roaming rates goodbye when you get the new roamline roaming data SIM card. With this SIM card you are guaranteed to receive competitive global data roaming rates. Working online in 135 countries at 2 low rates (€0.39 per MB in Europe, USA and Canada & €0.89 per MB in the rest of the world), roamline offers affordable global data. There are no fixed monthly fees involved. Not using the SIM card, because you aren’t abroad, won’t have any effect on costs. Plus all data sessions are charged in 1 KB increments.
Pay afterwards
You don’t want your employees to top up their international data SIM cards when they are abroad. With roamline you pay for usage at the end of the month. Single bought SIM cards are linked to a (company) credit card. And usage is billed monthly based on usage. Individually sold SIM cards are automatically charged through a credit card. Meaning there is no hassle in topping up or making costs in advance.
NEVER be surprised with a nasty bill
Using roamline easily let’s you control the data roaming costs of your company. The roamline SIM gives you the option to cap each SIM card to a maximum number of MB’s per month. Meaning that you can limit the amount of mobile data an employee uses. This way you completely control your data roaming costs.
Don’t be fooled by ‘free’ WIFI !
Did you know most ‘free’ WIFI signals are extremely insecure? These connections barely have any protection to your computer. Those who mean harm can easily access all your documents if you use such a connection. With a private mobile data connection through your own personal SIM card your company files and documents are far more secure.
With roamline you know you are using one of the cheapest and most convenient data roaming solution available:
- You don’t have to top up the SIM card in advance
- Single SIM cards are billed monthly through credit card without any fixed fees
- Corporations are billed monthly without any fixed fees
- You only pay for the MBs you have used
- If you don’t use the card(s), you don’t get charged for it
- Never worry if you use too much data when abroad – You can limit your data roaming card to a maximum of 250, 500 or 750 MB per month
- Keep your roamline SIM handy until you’re ready to use it – no minimum usage required