Andalusia, a competitive Biocluster located in the South of Europe

There are numerous reasons to invest and grow in Andalucía. Located in the South of Spain, Andalucía is the most populated region in Spain and the second largest region in Europe. The region is currently recognized as a world reference in several sectors and is highly valued by more than 2,000 foreign businesses established in the region.

Andalusia is one of the leading areas in Europe in the Aeronautical industry, ICT sector, Cleantech and Environmental Technology, Agrifood and processing sector, Biotech sector among others. In particular the Andalusian biotechnology sector has experienced significant growth over the past years and houses a significant share of biotech companies in Spain, including names like Abbott, Celgene, Merck Sharp and Dohme, Pfizer, Roche or Rovi Pharmaceuticals. Over 120 companies employ more than 2,800 people and generate revenues in excess of €580 million.

According to the 2011 Spanish Association of Biotech companies report, Andalusia remains in first place in creation of biotechnology companies at the national level since 2009. One in four new BIO companies is Andalusian, making the region one of the most dynamic Bio clusters in Spain.
The region is specialized in all areas of biotech research such as red, green and white biotechnology:

  • Andalusia is one of the most advanced Bioclusters in the world for stem cell research. One of the first regions in the world to authorize embryonic stem cell research and pioneer in Spain by introducing advanced therapies for patients.
  • The first organic producer in Europe and one of the main locations in the field of functional food
  • Leader in industrial biotechnology to develop cutting-edge biotechnology projects for the energy sector.

Biotech companies and Pharma companies may explore synergies for good research opportunities and business opportunities to set up and develop innovative projects in Andalusia thanks to the availability of unique platforms for drug discovery and Genomics and Bioinformatic research among others.

According to the 2011 Spanish Association of Biotech companies report, Andalusia remains in first place in creation of biotechnology companies at the national level since 2009.


Recently the Regional Ministry of Health has launched GBPA. It is a strategic research platform with cutting-edge sequencing and computational genomics infrastructure for the development of excellence and high quality research in the field of Genomics and Bioinformatics. It is the ideal place for public and private initiatives to collaborate in Andalusia.

Andalusia Bioregion offers a modern network of Biomedical Research Institutes associated to hospitals for research, biobanks (DNA, stem cells, tumours and the umbilical cord), Research Management Foundations and Centres of excellence for Biomedical Research such as Cabimer, Genyo, Bionand and Medina foundation for drug discovery. The first Health Sciences Technology Park in Spain is located in Granada. PTS is a special environment to allow research of excellence, teaching, welfare, and business focused on life sciences. Granada is a university town having a strong tradition in health, biomedicine and life sciences in Spain.

Due to the strong commitment of the Regional Government of Andalusia in supporting and financing new therapies and technologies in the region, the provision of excellent infrastructure and the availability of abundant skilled workforce, Andalusia has become one of the best places in Europe for the development of innovative biotechnology projects.

With the aim of attracting foreign direct investment to our region and to assist existing investors to expand in Andalusia, the Regional Government offers advice on your investment and growth projects in Andalusia. A team of professionals is at your disposal to inform you about investment opportunities and will accompany you in the site selection and investment implementation process in our region.

Investors are welcomed to contact Invest in Andalucia for further information about business opportunities in Andalusia.