Better Business Andalucía, a Successful Biotech Cluster in the South of Europe.

Andalucía with more than 8 Million inhabitants is the most populated Spanish region and one of the largest in Europe. Thanks to its strategy initiatives based on innovation development and the strong commitment of the Andalusian Regional Government, Andalucía offers better business opportunities for global companies looking for new competitive locations as well as for undergoing innovative projects in strategic sectors, such as Aerospace, Biotechnology, ICT, Renewable Energies, among others.

In particular, Biotechnology sector in Andalucía has experienced significant growth over the past ten years. Andalucía is a dynamic Bioregion, due to its sustainable growth, pioneering public initiatives, public-private collaborations, excellent research infrastructure, abundant skilled workforce at competitive cost, a legal framework suitable to support research with full guarantees as well as strong commitment of the Regional Government to provide economic support for R&D projects.

According to the last report of the Spanish Association of Biotech companies (ASEBIO), Andalucía remains in first place in creation of biotechnology companies in Spain since 2009.

The cluster is made up of over 120 biotech companies, employing more than 3,000 skilled jobs and a turnover in excess of €600 Million. Two of the first Spanish companies listed on the Spanish alternative equity market are from Andalucía (Neuron Bio and Bionaturis).

Andalucía is strong in the main areas of biotech research, because it is:

• One of the most advanced bioclusters in the world for stem cell research, by authorizing embryonic stem cell and introducing advanced therapies for patients.

• One of the main locations in the field of functional food research, being the first organic producer in Europe.

• Leader in industrial biotechnology to develop pioneering projects in the field of energy.

Moreover, Andalucia Bioregion offers a modern Biomedical Research network associated to hospitals for research, biobanks (DNA, stem cells, tumours and the umbilical cord), Research Management Foundations, Centres of excellence for Biomedical Research such as Cabimer, Genyo, Bionand and Medina Research Foundation for drug discovery and public GMP laboratories to produce cell-based medicinal products as well.

The region has also a large network of Science and Technology Parks , and is home to the first Technology site in Spain devoted to healthcare in Spain.

Regional Government has developed attractive financial incentives programmes to foster the competitiveness of the region.


The Health Sciences Technology Park of Granada, PTS, is the ideal destination for Pharmaceutical and Biotech companies looking for a friendly research environment for collaboration between the academia and the business areas. Andalucía aims to become a leader in offering the latest therapeutic opportunities to its citizens, and is committed to promote research on advanced therapy and its translation into clinical settings. The Regional Government has developed research programmes related to advanced therapies: the cell therapy and regenerative medicine programme, the clinical genetics and genomic medicine programme and the nanomedicine programme, which are supported by the Andalusian Initiative for Advanced Therapies.

Other innovation to highlight is its unique information system, Diraya, which integrates all the information of each citizen in a single medical history for providing care. Recently it has launched Panakeia, the information and integrated management system for clinical trials with drugs in Andalucía.

This favorable environment for R&D is attracting global pharmaceutical and biotech companies looking for cutting-edge infrastructure and special support for R&D. Abbott, Celgene, Merck Sharp and Dohme, Pfizer, Roche or Rovi Pharmaceuticals are examples of such success.

With the aim of supporting R&D projects, the Regional Government has developed attractive financial incentives programmes to foster the competitiveness of the region. The region offers specialized services for foreign investors in their setting up and growth projects in Andalucía. Invest in Andalucía guarantees confidentiality and customized support at not cost for foreign investment projects.

As a result of this significant effort conducted over the last few years, we find that Andalucía is fast becoming one of the most active Bioregions in the South of Europe.

Investors are welcomed to contact Invest in Andalucía for further information:

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