More Digitally Resilient Europe
Within the priorities of the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union and the current Recovery Plan for Europe put forward by the European Commission, the words “digital” and “resilience” are prominent and at times used together. When combined they bring to mind IT-related challenges that need to be addressed to ensure a stronger and safer Europe for its citizens. One of the primary concerns is cybersecurity; and, given that this is a topic of common interest to the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) and the European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (eu-LISA), it gives the two Agencies further impetus to work together to face this growing threat.
Earlier today Executive Directors Juhan Lepassaar (ENISA) and Krum Garkov (eu-LISA) signed a multiannual Cooperation Plan. The plan sets out activities that will provide benefits through joint actions to the Agencies themselves and to the EU Member States.
The three-year Cooperation Plan complements the existing regulations applicable to ENISA and eu-LISA, and lays out various actions within complimentary areas that the Agencies can draw benefits from by sharing knowledge, information and expertise. Information Security, Business Continuity, Research, Data Protection and Corporate Quality Management are among the priority areas identified for collaboration.
ENISA Executive Director Juhan Lepassaar said: “Securing our digital future is facilitated by sharing knowledge and expertise. This Cooperation Plan will allow our Agencies to find solutions together.”
“With cybersecurity and digital resilience high on the European agenda for the coming years, it seems fitting to take the opportunity to strengthen our cooperation with ENISA and to boost our common contributions to the goals set for Europe’s digital future. There are many areas where our respective consolidated expertise can be put to good use. The EU Cybersecurity Strategy, adopted by the Commission in December, is one of these and the fast changing landscape of cyber threats including the ensuing need to secure common cyber spaces are examples of where we can mutually assist each other. This renewed agreement is the best way to kick-off 2021 and eu-LISA is looking forward to extending its relationship with ENISA.” said Krum Garkov, Executive Director of eu-LISA.
It is in the common interest of both Agencies to promote and share activities with their stakeholders and the general public in order to provide increased visibility and further improve awareness of their respective responsibilities and joint successes. For this reason, the Cooperation Plan includes core activity related plans, as well as communication and information sharing as important areas for joint actions.
About ENISA – The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity
Towards a Trusted and Cyber Secure Europe
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity, ENISA, is the Union’s agency dedicated to achieving a high common level of cybersecurity across Europe. Established in 2004 and strengthened by the EU Cybersecurity Act, the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity contributes to EU cyber policy, enhances the trustworthiness of ICT products, services and processes with cybersecurity certification schemes, cooperates with Member States and EU bodies, and helps Europe prepare for the cyber challenges of tomorrow. Through knowledge sharing, capacity building and awareness raising, the Agency works together with its key stakeholders to strengthen trust in the connected economy, to boost resilience of the Union’s infrastructure, and, ultimately, to keep Europe’s society and citizens digitally secure.
In a world that has become hyper-connected, cybercriminals pose a significant threat to the internal security of the European Union and security of its citizens online. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need for more security in the digital world. People have increased their presence online to maintain personal and professional relations, while cybercriminals have taken advantage of this situation, targeting in particular e-commerce and e-payment businesses, as well as the healthcare system. The ENISA Corporate video reflects the our new vision in the modern digital world, working towards a trusted and cyber secure Europe in cooperation with the wider community.