Is Biotechnology Coming in From the Cold in Europe?

Since genetically modified (GM) food was first introduced in Europe in the 1990s, consumers have been portrayed as sceptical and generally opposed to buying such products. However, is this really the case? Recent studies show over and again that consumer perception in the EU is actually much more favourable towards GM foods than it is commonly depicted. Now, with second-generation genetic-modification techniques avoiding some of the issues that previously provoked hostility, the European Union (EU) may be modifying its previously tough stance on the issue.

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Lower Saxony Strives for Life-Sciences Supremacy

The regional health economy initiative BioRegioN is the central contact point for the life-sciences industry in Lower Saxony, Germany. It links partners from business, science and politics with the goals of transferring the high potential of excellent research findings into early commercialisation as well as sustainably strengthening Lower Saxony as a hub for the life sciences. The BioRegioN initiative connects, advises and supports companies, universities, research institutes and many other players in the areas of health economy, biotechnology and biomedical engineering in Lower Saxony. The research environment is very developed in the region, which is already home to several highly innovative life-sciences companies, some of them brand leaders. In the following interview, Gerrit Hohenhoff, Head of Office at BioRegioN, explains the history and development of the initiative:

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Swiss Biotech – 1 Nation 1 Biotech Cluster

Biotechnology is expected to continue to play a key role in the sustainable development of Switzerland. It will be vital to economic growth, environmental efforts, commercialisation of new technologies and public health, to boost innovation in this industry. By further strengthening academic output, enablers and competitive clusters, the sector will continue to blossom.

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What Benefits Can We Expect From Biotechnology?

The Global Agenda Council on Biotechnology, one of the networks under the World Economic Forum (WEF), and a principal authority on the subject, has recently revealed the ‘The Top Ten Emerging Technologies’ that are going to play an important role in ensuring that we meet our current social, environmental, and economic challenges.

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Biotech – business in Central Europe

The river Rhine gave the name to one of the core clusters for Biotechnology in Germany and Europe along its banks: BioRiver. Nearly 5 Million people work, study and live in the business hubs of Cologne and Düsseldorf and the smaller cities of Aken, Bonn and Wuppertal (17,9 Mio. in NRW) at the national boundary to the Netherlands and Belgium in central Europe. The quality of life is very highly valued in the BioRiver region. Strangers come for a visit and stay for a lifetime because of attractive jobs, the open mindset and sociability of the population, the historical site, leisure and landscape along the Rhine and the nearby mountain ranges. Business counts the developed infrastructure and the well trained workforce as one of its many assets.

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Health Economy – Niedersachsen

The BioRegioN is the Regional Health Economy Initiative – Life Sciences Niedersachsen by the Ministry for Economics, Labour and Transport of Niedersachsen. As a central contact point for Life Sciences in Niedersachsen, it brings together partners from the worlds of business, science and politics.

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Biotech Investment: Returns, Risks and Research

Great fortunes have been made by investors who have made the right biotech deal. Early shareholders of such companies as Amgen and Biogen have enjoyed huge profits as their investments have skyrocketed over the years. It’s not too late to join the party though, as there are plenty of exciting and promising biotech start-ups out there. Biotech start-ups with products ready for market can experience massive growth overnight or sell for huge profits to a larger firm.

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Andalusia, a competitive Biocluster located in the South of Europe

There are numerous reasons to invest and grow in Andalucía. Located in the South of Spain, Andalucía is the most populated region in Spain and the second largest region in Europe. The region is currently recognized as a world reference in several sectors and is highly valued by more than 2,000 foreign businesses established in the region.

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