Euro Exim Bank

KAP Europa Green Meeting Venue 2015


We hope that you will all join us in congratulating Kap Europa, Europe’s number one conferencing venue for green meetings 2015, as voted by New European Economy magazine.

You can find out more about the fantastic work they are doing within our next Spring edition. Published April – June 2015

Enjoy. Sustain. Connect.

Ideal conditions for an innovative convention culture in the middle of Frankfurt Kap Europa combines, in a novel way, pleasure with utility: Experience events in an inspiring atmosphere – in the first convention centre in the world to have been awarded a Gold certificate by the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB). Furthermore, its central location, with the trade fairs, city centre and hotels in easy reach, invites you to immerse yourself in the Main metropolis with all its colourful diversity. And with a shopping centre with a large rooftop garden directly next door, you can even do some shopping and relax.