Oman Motor Show

Data Privacy Day

Comment from Joseph Carson, chief security scientist at Thycotic: 

“Data privacy will, and already is, evolving into a Data Rights Management issue. 

Citizens’ privacy will continue to be under the spotlight in 2021. The end of privacy as we know it is closer than you may think. Privacy definitions are very different between nation states and cultures, however, one thing that is common is that privacy is becoming less and less of an option for most citizens. In public and online, almost everyone is being watched and monitored 24/7 with thousands of cameras using your expressions, fashion, walk, directions, interactions, and speech to determine what you need, what you might be thinking, who you are going to meet, who is nearby, and even algorithms that determine what your next action might be.  

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Organisations Warned to Prepare for Escalating Security Threats

The spread of the virus over 2021 prompted an economic contraction unsurpassed in living memory.  The Covid-19 pandemic will remain the most significant economic and political variable globally, causing the acceleration of underlying global trends that have been building over the last few years. The report therefore highlights several knock-on effects that organisations need to be ready to respond to:

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Lack of Preparedness Against Cybersecurity is Killing Economic Growth

 Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are the backbone of the UK economy. In recent decades, British SMEs have accounted for 99.9% of the business population, totalling 5.8 million.

A  survey by the Wall Street Journal found that small companies are the least prepared for cyber attacks. According to a report by Verizon, so far in 2020, almost a third (28%) of data breaches have involved small businesses, and only 14% of those were adequately prepared to defend themselves.

Hiscox, an insurance carrier,  has observed that the average cost of a cyber attack for businesses of all sizes amounts to $200,000, a massive hit for almost any business. Thus, it comes to no surprise that, because of the high cost of cyberattacks, 60% of small companies go out of business within six months of being hacked, according to the National Cyber Security Alliance.

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How the C-Suite Can Build Tomorrow’s Cyber Security Workforce

The people, processes and technology that protect digital resources and manage cyber risk are essential to sustaining businesses and societies. Even so, in many enterprises, CEOs are just beginning to fully engage in cyber security strategy and leadership. The good news is that these executives are paying much more attention to the security measures protecting their organisation’s assets, data, employees and customers than ever before. The cautionary tales, doomsday scenarios, and the threat of public embarrassment have made an impression.

However, senior executives at organisations of all sizes still understand that the global economy is not adequately protected against cyber-attacks, despite years of effort and annual spending in the multi-billion-dollar range. Added to that, shortfalls in cyber skills and capabilities are manifesting as major security incidents damage organisational performance and reputation.

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Globally the nature of threat to organisations and individuals is in a state of flux and it is an exercise in futility endeavouring to address or treat each individual threat in isolation. Some individuals and corporate bodies are simply not prepared for a situation arising from their location, environment or individual circumstances. As Specialist Risk advisors we assist clients in understanding risk and support them to continue their life safely and securely irrespective of the location. The solutions produced are holistic in approach, multi layered and integrated maximising assurance and integrity to reduce overall risk and achieve a return upon investment.

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People power is the lost key to cyber resilience


Corporate and personal reputations are hard-won but they can be ruined in an instant. As countless examples have shown, businesses large and small are being successfully attacked by cyber criminals with often catastrophic impacts. The fact that so many organisations, of all sizes and in all sectors, have had their most valuable and commercially sensitive information compromised reflects the scale of the problem. It also highlights that no one is safe. All organisations are at risk and you can never be ‘bullet-proof’. But organisations can manage their cyber risks more effectively by adopting an organisation-wide response, led from the top that effectively balances business opportunities and risks as well as the processes, technologies and critically the people that make the organisation tick.

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Car Hacking:


HARMAN Addresses the Challenges of Automotive Cyber Security Following Acquisition of   TowerSec As we continue to move towards autonomous driving, it’s predicted that there will be around 250 million connected vehicles on the road globally by 2020, with over two thirds of these capable of consuming and sharing web-based data, according to a research by Gartner (Predicts 2015: The Internet of Things).

This increasing car connectivity has made the risk of hacking a priority for car makers, particularly with recent high profile cases in the media. At the forefront of developments to protect vehicles from outside intrusion is connected solutions company HARMAN, which is providing car makers with technology to prevent potentially dangerous hacking. We sat down with Asaf Atzmon, Director of Business Development and Marketing of the newly-established Automotive Cyber Security group within HARMAN, to understand where the market is heading.

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How important is your reputation to you?


This discussion between Ian Davies, Deputy Chairman of BMT Group and Senior Independent Director at the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales and Nick Wilding, global head of cyber resilience at  AXELOS Global Best Practice, tackles some key questions that boards and senior executives have to be asking in the face of corporate damage being caused by increasing cyber-attacks:

(NW) Q1. So what does cyber resilience mean to you?

(ID) It’s a thorough response to a whole enterprise, risk management issue. Where cyber security addresses the technical aspects, effective cyber resilience assesses the business impacts of cyber risks and encompasses the critical human factors required to better protect the information and systems most critical to success. No enterprise is bullet-proof from cyber criminals. A key challenge they face is to identify quickly when an attack is happening and to take appropriate steps to prevent it doing serious damage. That may require responding publicly to reassure customers, suppliers and shareholders – often this public response extends rather than limits the damage already caused.

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