Bank on Euro Exim

Euro Exim Bank has been at the forefront of the Trade Finance Industry for many years, and continues to show strong growth.  Whilst not letting a  global pandemic  slow them down and  continuing  to provide a fast and effective  service to  global businesses. We sit down with Dr Graham Bright , Head of Compliance and Operations Euro Exim Bank Ltd to discuss  where it all went right.

New European Economy : Can you tell us what the next 12 months potentially has in store for Euro Exim Bank global operations?

Dr Graham Bright: With every nation experiencing unprecedented challenges with rising domestic utilities, food, commodities and transport fees, the public in general has become much more cautious in spending as companies review their borrowings and expenditure. All at a time when the UK consumer is now informed of eye-watering 42% expected increases in energy bills coming in November 2022.

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Exporting To Dubai – What You Need To Know

Dubai is possibly the world’s re-export hub, making it a highly attractive destination for exporters. It is also a very attractive market for all kinds of goods, and the country is heavily reliant on imports. Thus, whether you are exporting to the UAE for consumption within the Emirates or for re-export to other countries in the Middle East or around the world, Dubai should be on your radar. In this article we will look at some important information you should know when trying to export to Dubai.

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Economic Factor: Freedom

As an international and cosmopolitan city, Berlin attracts founders, entrepreneurs, investors and talented individuals from all over the world. James Brown  interviews the CEO of Berlin’s economic development organisation, Berlin Partner for Business and Technology, Dr. Stefan Franzke, regarding Brexit, the election of Trump and a city where the spirit of freedom is increasingly becoming an economic factor.

James Brown: Britain’s withdrawal from the EU, Trump’s election as US President and nationalist movements in many European countries – how do you think the political unrest in the world is affecting Berlin?

Dr. Stefan Franzke: Following the Brexit vote, our phone didn’t stop ringing. We’ve received 40 enquiries about the Berlin Location in connection with the UK’s withdrawal from the EU; five London start-ups consequently opened offices in Berlin in 2016. Things have now calmed down a little as entrepreneurs initially wait and see how Brexit will actually be implemented. The Brexit decision was a shock, and as a committed European, I very much regret this decision, even if Berlin benefits from it in the short-term. Following Trump’s election as US President, I’ve often been asked whether similar reactions can be expected from US firms. It’s bound to have an impact, but I expect this to be in terms of talented individuals. I understand from Berlin companies which also operate in the US that there has been a significant increase in applications from American colleagues for the Berlin Location.

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Essential Investor Information

WEATHEREDLand of Opportunity
Greenland is highly prospective for Au, base metals, Ni, PGEs, specialty metals, diamonds and other gemstones, industrial minerals and Fe ore. W. Greenland shares common geology with northern Scandinavia, where there are currently over 90 active mines, highlighting the discovery potential in Greenland. Current active and advanced projects include industrial minerals, ruby and pink sapphires, zinc-lead, rare earth elements and uranium, orogenic gold, Ni-Cu-Co, and Ti-sands.

Greenland is strategically located between North America and Europe. Although there are no roads outside inhabited areas, there are 77 cities and settlements connected by 16 ports, 14 airports, and ice-free deep-water shipping, year-round, in many parts of west Greenland. Greenland has 3G and 4G roaming with mobile and ship radio VHF coverage for significant parts of west Greenland, and locally in east Greenland.

Labour Pool
The Tech College Greenland (Mining School) provides practical training and qualifications relevant to mining. Companies applying for a mining licence are required to make an Impact Benefit Agreement (IBA) with the Government, which includes negotiated minimum requirements for local employment and training. In 2012 the Government enacted the Large-Scale Projects Act, which allows significant employment of foreign workers, where the labour requirements exceed the suitable, local available and accessible workforce.


Investor Obligations
The first step when applying for a licence in Greenland is to pay a relatively small fee and submit technical and financial information. When a licence is granted there are ongoing reporting and financial commitments including an annual work program and a field and geological report. The yearly exploration commitment is calculated based on age and size of the area. In the first two years the licensee is required to spend at least DKK 161.500 per year on exploration plus DKK 1.620 per km2, with financial commitments increasing with the age of the licence. For an exploitation licence a licensee must submit an environmental impact assessment (EIA) and social impact assessment (SIA). An EIA must describe all project phases, from before project launch until after its completion, and is a comprehensive exercise, including several years’ study of the project area, as well as public consultation.

An SIA report must describe the potential impacts of a proposed action or development on the human environment, and recommend initiatives for direct and indirect sustainable development opportunities and mitigation of negative impacts. This includes business and employment, income, land use and resources, health, education, infrastructure and socio-cultural factors. Before exploitation commences, an exploitation and closure plan must be approved by the Government and a financial security paid for closure of the mine.

Investor Incentives
Greenland has a competitive mineral tax, royalty, trade and fee system. Greenland was ranked as 8th in 2015 by the Fraser Institute for most attractive mining taxation regime and 2th? on trade barriers. To help exploration companies meet the challenging market conditions the Government adjusted down to zero the exploration expenditure obligation for 2015 and 2016 for licences older than five years.

Government Stake
For mineral activities, it is only a requirement that it is a Greenlandic-registered company which holds all mineral exploitation licences. For all hydrocarbon licences it is a requirement that the government-owned company Nunaoil A/S is a carried partner in the exploration phase. Depending on when the licence was granted, Nunaoil A/S holds an ownership interest of 12.5%, 8% or 6.25% in current licences in Greenland. For all new licences Nunaoil’s ownership interest will be 6.25 %.

All mineral resource activities are subject to the specific political requirement that they shall be carried out properly in terms of health, safety and the environment. These issues are regulated through the SIA, EIA and IBA. To ensure that these criteria are met, the companies must follow regulations in the Mineral Resource Act and the guidelines and standard terms.

Success Stories
North American Nickel Inc has been successful in their continuing extensive exploration over a large area prospective for Ni sulfides in the Maniitsoq region of West Greenland, with the ongoing backing of the Sentient Group and will carry our resource definition drilling in 2017. Other success stories include the recent signing of IBAs by Hudson Resource Inc in 2015 and by Ironbark Zinc Ltd in 2016.



North American Nickel (NAN) is a mineral exploration company focused on nickel and platinum-group elements (PGE) mineralisation. The Company’s key asset is its 100% owned district scale Maniitsoq project in southwest Greenland. The Maniitsoq nickel-copper-PGE property hosts high-grade nickel-copper sulphide occurrences within the prolific Greenland Norite Belt and initially was the largest exploration property ever granted in Greenland. NAN has an excellent team with relevant experience, strong cornerstone investors, and in Greenland, it is operating in a secure political jurisdiction with demonstrated exploration potential.

The opportunity presented by the Maniitsoq project is attractive. Mineral resource values are notoriously cyclical and now they are recovering from 10-year lows. The cyclical downturn in the industry has left the future of new nickel mine supply open, as there are very few large-scale nickel sulphide exploration programs left in the world. NAN is aiming to capitalise on this opportunity by being the leading company exploring in Greenland for nickel. Globally, there are a very few companies like NAN that are carrying on early stage nickel sulphide exploration on a large scale.


Nickel has been used by mankind for more than five millennia. It is a needed for many every day applications, particularly in stainless steel. Some common applications include household appliances, computers, cellular phones, automobiles, medical and heating devices as well as industrial, military, aerospace, marine and architectural applications. Nickel is one of the most common elements on earth and typically occurs within the earth’s crust. It is thought that major igneous events cause this otherwise inaccessible element to appear close to the earth’s surface. Nickel has corrosion-resistant properties that make it a vital component in stainless steel as well as various alloys and super alloys.

Economic growth is directly correlated with nickel demand. Nickel demand is closely aligned with steel demand, so its price fluctuates relative to global manufacturing trends. China’s manufacturing industry strongly weighs on global nickel demand. Spot nickel prices rallied sharply recently after a crackdown on nickel mining in the Philippines resulted in mine closures. Prices got a second boost on the US election win, due to the incoming President’s plans to boost infrastructure spending, coupled with a strong rebound in Chinese stainless steel production.


Greenland presents a strong case for mining and is committed to resource extraction. NAN’s exploration is bolstered by a transparent regulatory system and competitive mining tax regime with no land claims issues. The Government is pro-actively attracting resource capital to develop a diversified economy, exports and local high quality employment. The Maniitsoq project is located on pack ice-free tide water, allowing for year-round shipping and management of working capital. There are modern well-serviced container ports and European standard logistical support services.

Nickel is one of the most common elements on earth and typically occurs within the earth’s crust.

In order to explore its large property holding, NAN utilises traditional prospecting methods, modern helicopter-borne, ground and borehole geophysical technologies, state of the art Worldview-3 satellite imaging, detailed mapping, oriented drill core data and 3D modelling to directly target mineralization on the ground and in the subsurface.

In 2015, NAN systematically evaluated the Maniitsoq property, significantly expanding the existing exploration database, advancing the understanding of both the geological setting and the nature of the sulphide mineralisation, refining geophysical targeting tools and continuing to intersect nickel-copper sulphide mineralization at multiple locations over significant widths. Building on this knowledge and these results, the Company aggressively completed 9,596 metres in 30 holes and two hole extensions testing the continuity and tonnage potential of mineralised zones in 2016.


The very busy 2016 field season saw an expansion of the exploration camp and the successful completion of the largest drilling program to date at Maniitsoq. As the assay results continue to arrive it is becoming apparent that the Company’s goal this year to expand the size potential of the mineralised zone and identify key areas for further drilling in 2017 is being achieved.

The Company recently released some of the best assay results on project to date which include high grade intersections at P-058 and P-013 SE and the discovery of a new sulphide zone at Mikissoq. Drilling highlights from targeted nickel sulphide lenses at Maniitsoq include; Mikissoq (MQ-16-117): 74.05M @ 1.08% nickel and 0.54% copper; Spotty Hill (MQ-16-121): 4.75m @ 1.59% nickel, 0.30% copper; P-013 SE (MQ-16-109): 13.35m @ 2.88% nickel and 0.80% copper; and Fossilik (MQ-16-105): 10.20m @ 3.41% nickel and 0.28% copper. Overall, these results offer significant potential and an ideal basis for ongoing exploration in 2017.

The objectives for the Company’s 2017 exploration program will be to drill and expand zones of merit within the Spotty Hill, Mikissoq and Fossilik areas. To accomplish this task, approximately 20,000 metres of drilling are being planned.
NAN has a highly experienced management, board and advisory team with technical and operational nickel expertise. It is led by CEO Keith Morrison, who has over 30 years of experience in the resources sector with a background in exploration technology, finance, strategic planning, global operations, capital markets and corporate development.

The Company has strong cornerstone institutional investors, including The Sentient Group which currently owns 60% of the Company. This makes NAN unique in that it is financially able to proceed at the right scale and pace to advance large scale projects like Maniitsoq.



Nevis is a beautiful tropical island, 36 square miles in size, and located in the northern part of the Eastern Caribbean. It is well established as a financial centre, and an upscale tourist destination which attracts many visitors to its shore to enjoy the lovely beaches, sunshine, tranquility, and warm and friendly people.

It has a rich history which includes the birth place of Alexander Hamilton, the first secretary to the US Treasury, and the marriage of Lord Nelson, an English Admiral, to Nevisian Fanny Nisbett. It is the smaller of the twin-island Federation of St. Christopher (St. Kitts) and Nevis which is a sovereign democratic state having won its independence from Britain in 1983. The constitution is quite unique with Nevis being part of the Federal Government and Parliament while enjoying a high degree of autonomy to manage its internal affairs through its own Island Administration, and an Assembly that has the power to enact laws in specified areas.

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Another Trump for Leipzig


New meeting facilities and local clusters of excellence in science and business make Leipzig even more attractive for future congresses and conventions. The popularity of Leipzig certainly has an impact on the congress business of the city. More and more large meetings are drawn to the Saxon metropolis. To host these, a newly opened venue has been added recently: the KONGRESSHALLE am Zoo Leipzig.

In total, the venue features 15 halls and rooms which can seat between 10 and 1,200 people. The juxtaposition of different styles – from Art nouveau, Art deco and historicist to contemporary architecture – reflects the colourful history and gives the building a very particular ambiance. The “Expo” area offers 800 square metres of exhibition space. Organisers and visitors will benefit from the venue’s central location in town, putting it close to hotels, restaurants, bars, and many cultural and leisure opportunities.

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An Interview with Mubarak Al Shamsi, Director of the Abu Dhabi Convention Bureau


The Abu Dhabi Convention Bureau aims to drive and support the development and promotion of business events tourism throughout the emirate efficiently, effectively, transparently, and in partnership with all its stakeholders. Its main mission is to champion the emirate as a dynamic global business events leader. The bureau can assist with planners needs and acts as a one-stop shop offering free advice, help with planning and local knowledge.

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