Oman Motor Show

Seinäjoki – How to make Friends and Influence people

It might be the depths of winter right now, but Finland’s economy is on fire. The government’s business-friendly attitude is hugely appealing to investors. Consequently, while other parts of Europe are in a slump, Finland is basking in its own self-generating glow.

Sure, red tape is minimal, running costs are low – all the things carpet-bagging investors like. But Finland’s government learned crucial lessons the hard way from previous downturns. Namely, being opposed to selling yourself short, the quickest and most secure route to success is through meaningful investment in your citizens.

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The Big Frieze – heating up the art market

The dealer on the stand at Casey Kaplan can barely contain her joy. “The experience has been overwhelmingly positive,” she gushes. “We’ve sold everything. We’ve sold to museums, foundations, new collectors – we’re very happy.”

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Shooting from the Hip – Silvio Berlusconi

Estimated to be worth $6.5bn (£4.4bn) by US business magazine Forbes, Silvio Berlusconi doesn’t care who he upsets. He might have limitless lines of credit, but his controversial lines of conversation are pretty much limitless, too.

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Airbus unveils the future of flying – 2050

The Vitalising Zone by Day: Vitalising Zone at the front of the aircraft. An intelligent cabin membrane can become transparent to give passengers open panoramic views.

A revolutionary design harnessing the efficiency of bird bone will create a bionic structure cabin for the air traveller in 2050. The ground breaking concept in cabin design will combine key structural strength with an "intelligent" cabin wall membrane that controls air temperature and the ability to transform solid walls and ceilings into open and transparent panoramic passenger views.

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Interview with Gerhard Gizler, CEO of Niedersachsen Global GmbH

Photo: Agentur für WiFö Cuxhaven

1.) Niedersachsen is a federal state that has the potential to be an excellent location for companies and investors from all over the world in many different industries. What are the main industries that you have?
Many companies and industrial regions with an international reputation are situated in Niedersachsen, whether we’re talking about fantastic cruise ships, advanced developments in the automotive industry or renewable energy looking to the future.

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Joensuu Region, Time for Growth

The Joensuu region provides excellent opportunities to fulfill the dreams of the modern age. In the Joensuu region, the closeness of the natural world is combined with a wide range of services. Excellent connections and service networks make North Karelia a convenient place to live, work, and pursue various interests. With its beautiful and clean environment and comprehensive services, the region is a natural choice for people who want to get more out of their lives.

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Finland – Out of the Woods

It’s good to know Finland’s economy grew at an astonishing rate in the first three months of this year, increasing at an annual rate of 5.5% on the back of inward investment.

Finland weathered the global downturn well; that’s the opinion of the nation’s central bank governor, Erkki Liikanen. Talking to the New York Times recently, he had this to say:

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Ukraine; You Saw; You Invested…

ImageIs it time to start looking to emerging markets once more?  Judging by official stats recently released in Ukraine it is.  Investment is flowing into the Ukraine faster than the mighty Dnieper river flows into the Black Sea. 
According to a new report from the nation’s State Statistics Committee, foreign investors poured nearly a billion dollars ($ 925.7 million) into the Ukrainian economy, which is a whopping 29.1% more than in January-March last year.  According to Goskomstat, EU based investors provided the bulk of investment.

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